Mint Julep Bouquets Debut in Upperville

My Mom, Sister and I are throwing a retirement party for my Dad. He has been with IBM for 43 years! The party is going to be in Upperville, Va right outside of Virginia’s horse country Middleburg. The Kentucky Derby is next weekend and with us having lived in Lexington with IBM, I found it only fitting that a Mint Julep flower bouquet would tie that in nicely!  I got the idea courtesy of @DraperJames…I changed mine up a bit. I took a blue glass (blue is the IBM signature color) and added white roses, tulips and sprigs of mint. I cut this mint from a friend’s garden (you can always get it at your local market). Try these next weekend for your Derby party. They are so easy and will be sure to be a hit!FullSizeRender 2

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